In Salisbury

Salisbury Instameet

On Sunday 24 March, the Visit Salisbury team, along with Declan from Instagrammers Wiltshire (@Igerswiltshire on Instagram) hosted another Salisbury instameet, after the successful one held in the summer last year.

This time, we started our meet off outside the beautiful Old Mill Hotel, in the Harnham area of the city. From here, you get some fantastic views of the Cathedral from across the water meadows as well as picturesque river views as the River Avon flows quickly past the mill.
The weather really played ball for us on this day and we were blessed with bright sunshine and blue sky - ideal for some spring photography. 

As the group of around twenty of us set off, it was a chance to say hello to new faces (many of which had seen each other’s work on Instagram), to share ideas and to snap away at the architecture, views and nature that surrounded us. 

Strolling along the Town Path, the views across to the Cathedral didn’t disappoint, this is such an iconic view of our city and it’s no wonder that Constable chose to paint one of his most famous pieces from along this spot. 

The Town Path is also a great area for a bit of nature spotting. On occasions, I have been lucky enough to see a water vole here, as well as the flash of turquoise from a kingfisher. One of the group mentioned that she’d seen the spring lambs once lined up across one of the small bridges that span some of the river channels in the water meadows too, talk about an ideal photo opportunity! However, this day wasn’t my lucky day for seeing a vole or kingfisher, but there were plenty of fish swimming about in the stream and in the distance you could see some of the sheep that often graze the meadow.

We ambled our way down into Queen Elizabeth Gardens where the magnolia trees were blossoming and people were out enjoying picnics on the lawn here. There was many a photo opportunity here, with lots of people choosing to photograph the area where two of the rivers meet, on the edge of the gardens. 

Next up, we headed along Crane Street, up the High Street and into the Cathedral Close. Again, in here there were pretty blossoms on the trees and bushes and lots of chances to photograph the beautiful surroundings. 

Salisbury Cathedral very kindly offered us a guided tour and highlighted some of the spots that make for a great photo - let’s face it though, it isn’t hard to find many, it’s such a photogenic building. Our guide did take us through a doorway that isn’t usually open to the public though and we could enjoy some amazing spire views and were even lucky enough to see Sally, one of the resident peregrine falcons flying from the tower. 

As well as giving us lots of history about the Cathedral, some of the photographers in the group were given the chance to walk up to the West Wing window for fantastic views down the nave. 

After this, there were lots of rumbling tummies so it was time for a well-earned sit down and cake in the Refectory. Some of the group left at this point but a small group of us continued our walk after refreshing by leaving the Cathedral Close via the Harnham Gate and strolling past some of the old residential areas of the city, over the old bridges and passing the Legacy Rose & Crown Hotel before finishing up back at the Old Mill. 

Here's a short video by Brunton Media highlighting some of the day's activities:

Below are just some of the photos taken on the day. To take a look at more from the day head to Instagram and search #igerswiltshirespringsalis

A big thanks to everyone who joined us on the day! 




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  3. jeffreestar
    It was a day filled with camaraderie, discovery, and appreciation for Salisbury's beauty in the springtime
  4. bitlife game
    Salisbury Instameet in springtime was a delightful event filled with beautiful scenery and wonderful photography opportunities.

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