Wiltshire Purple Flag Status
You’ve probably heard of Blue Flags awarded to beaches but have you heard of the Purple Flag? Did you also know that Chippenham has been awarded Purple Flag status?
What is Purple Flag?
This is an award issued to towns or cities that offer a ‘gold standard’ for their centres at night. Purple Flag towns and cities have proven that they are welcoming to everyone, offer safe ways for visitors to travel home and provide a good mix of venues. Purple Flag towns and cities benefit from more visitors, lower crime and anti-social behaviour and improved perceptions of centres.
When was Purple Flag first awarded?
Chippenham was first awarded Purple Flag status in 2016.
What makes a Purple Flag status city?
Chippenham has a wide-range of activities and events to do in the evening, creating a thriving nightlife for locals and visitors. Keep an eye on our events pages to find out more about what’s on.
There are also plenty of restaurants within the town centre offering a wide range of different food and if you enjoy a drink there are lots of pubs and bars to choose from too.
Key stakeholders across the town include Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, Pubwatch, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service and Chippenham Borough Lands Charity, all of whom work together to keep Chippenham as a Purple Flag town.
Purple Flag Weekend
Look out for the Purple Flag weekend too which usually takes place in September or October. Specific Purple Flag-related events are held across the town centre.