In Activity

Creative Journaling

By Theresa Hopwood

I am always keen to discover constructive ways to use the crafting techniques I have learnt over the years, so was really pleased to be invited along to a Creative Journaling Workshop. The workshop is one of many courses held at Elements of Avebury, a beautiful shop located right in the centre of the village set amongst ancient stones. The shop sells beautiful locally sourced gifts, and interesting products from further afield such as exquisite dresses made from recycled saris, and bags made in Africa from recycled water bottles.

In line with the ethos of the shop and Donna and Rae who run it, the workshops embrace the spirit of Avebury with its air of mysticism, history and self discovery.

Creative Journaling, I soon discovered, was as much about self discovery as it was about crafting. Bea Menier, who runs the course, has extensive experience, including as an artist and a life coach, and uses this experience to make the workshops full of practical and theoretical exercises to help the participants discover what they want out of journaling and how best to achieve it. We learnt about the colour spectrum and how colours can affect mood, decision making and even health. There were plenty of materials at hand for us to experiment with colour, words, and calligraphy to help us express our thoughts and experiences in a way that could be used in a daily journal. In addition to recording the events, feelings and emotions of daily life, Bea explained how journals could help with specific projects, life decisions, such as a new career path, or as a healing device. 

Practical exercises, such as creating collaborative art works, soon broke down any barriers between the seven of us on the course, all from very different backgrounds, and lead to a fair amount of laughter and sharing of experiences and emotions.

The Wishing Tree

We were all advised to take a packed lunch and when we had a break for lunch I took the opportunity to go and sit in the middle of the Avebury stone circle and have a picnic, enjoying the incomparable scenery on a beautiful summer day. Having been told about it by fellow course member, I also discovered the Wishing Trees, something I had not seen before. These are three trees with a spectacular above ground root system where people share their wishes and dreams. It seemed very appropriate in light of the course, and ensured I returned to our beautiful studio above the shop in the right frame of mind to absorb more of Bea’s wisdom!

Avebury, Wiltshire

By the end of the day I felt relaxed and energised, and looking forward to starting my own journal. It was a rare opportunity for me to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Avebury, and the beautiful environment of Elements, certainly evokes a feeling of calmness and peace, a welcome break for a busy brain!

Other courses run at Elements of Avebury include jewellery making, art on slate, and children’s workshops, I would certainly like to go back and do another workshop in this beautiful setting.

Avebury, Wiltshire


Elements of Avebury
Elements of Avebury

An independent shop in the heart of Avebury Stone Circle opposite the Red Lion Pub. Our ethos is ‘We Love Local’ and supporting local artists is extremely important. Over 95% of our items are made in Britain and 80% are from Avebury and Wiltshire.

Avebury Stone Circle and Avebury Manor and Garden
Historic Site
Avebury Stone Circle During Summer

The pretty village of Avebury nestles within the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site.  Recognised for its globally important Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments, here you’ll find the world’s largest stone circle, stone avenues and ancient tombs.  Much of Avebury and the surrounding landscape is owned and cared for by the National Trust and is free to explore for everyone all year round.



  1. Zoe Dixon
    I think that it's a great idea to learn new skills in the inspirational surroundings of Avebury. One of my favorite places to learn new skills is here at Avebury. I've been here many times, and have learnt so many things. For example, I've learned how to make bread, about gardening, and about cooking. I used to read and other such articles before starting to visit different places. I also like learning new skills because it broadens your mind and teaches you about things that you might not otherwise have thought about. If you're interested in something, then learning new skills will help you understand it better.
  2. PatrickThompson
    When I have free time, I try to learn something new. I love the arts, especially what is about painting and literature books. I am learning to exposure my thoughts and some critiques on various masterpieces. <a href=>;<;/a> is the source that keeps me going. Experts write my speech and show me what a good one would look like. A student must learn continuously because being a student is the perfect time to dedicate yourself to the study process.
  3. frederickgragg
    I think that is crucial for graduating from any university. Every student should know how to write and I think you should be able to do it, too. I would recommend you to take some extra classes or enroll in additional course.
  4. SharonM896
  5. SharonM896
    Immersing oneself in the awe-inspiring landscapes of Avebury can be a transformative experience when it comes to acquiring new skills. From the ancient stone circles to the lush greenery, this remarkable setting provides the perfect backdrop for personal growth. Visit here for more detail about the assignments. Whether it's painting, photography, or even writing, the creative energy emanating from Avebury fuels motivation and inspiration
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  7. emberhill
    Learning new skills in the inspirational surroundings of Avebury offers a unique and enriching experience. Surrounded by the ancient stone circles and the tranquil countryside, Avebury provides the perfect backdrop for fostering creativity and personal growth. Whether it's learning a new craft, honing artistic abilities, or delving into historical knowledge, the ambiance of Avebury can inspire and motivate learners in ways that traditional settings cannot.

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  8. قمة المعمار
    تخزين العفش هو عملية مهمة للحفاظ على الأثاث والممتلكات بشكل آمن ومنظم عند عدم استخدامها لفترات طويلة من الزمن. يمكن أن يتم تخزين العفش لعدة أسباب، مثل الانتقال إلى منزل جديد، أو التجديد داخل المنزل، أو السفر لفترة طويلة. إليك فقرة توضح أهمية تخزين العفش:
    تخزين العفش يساعد في الحفاظ على حالته وجودته، حيث يمكن أن يتعرض الأثاث للتلف والتشوه عند تركه في ظروف غير مناسبة لفترات طويلة من الزمن. من خلال تخزينه في مكان مناسب، يمكن تقليل احتمالية تلف الأثاث والحفاظ على مظهره الجميل.
    بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يوفر تخزين العفش مساحة إضافية في المنزل، مما يساعد في تحسين تنظيم المساحة وإبقائها منظمة وأكثر فعالية. يمكن استخدام هذه المساحة الإضافية لأغراض أخرى مثل التخزين المؤقت أو إعطاء مزيد من الحرية في ترتيب الديكور الداخلي للمنزل.
    تخزين العفش بشكل صحيح يضمن أيضًا سلامة الممتلكات، حيث يمكن توفير حماية إضافية ضد العوامل البيئية مثل الرطوبة، والحرارة الشديدة، والغبار، والعوامل الجوية الأخرى التي قد تؤثر سلبًا على جودة الأثاث.
    باختصار، يعتبر تخزين العفش خطوة هامة للحفاظ على جودة وسلامة الأثاث، وتوفير مساحة إضافية في المنزل، وتحسين تنظيم المساحة. يوفر تخزين العفش حلاً مثاليًا للحفاظ على الممتلكات بشكل آمن ومنظم خلال فترات عدم الاستخدام

    شركة تخزين عفش

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