By Emma Kirkup
On my travels around the county, I always love it when you come across one of our quirky signs – no matter what the weather or my mood they can’t help but fail to bring a smile to my face.
Here are just some of the quirky signs that you can find around Wiltshire:
Cricklade - In 1832 on this spot nothing happened! A great little sign located just off Cricklade’s High Street.
Happy Land – a street found in the small north Wiltshire village of Ashton Keynes. You can’t be miserable living there, right?
Lover – famous for its visits by romantics in advance of Valentine’s Day. This small village sits on the edge of the New Forest National Park. It’s technically pronounced ‘Lowver’.
New Zealand – you don’t really have to travel far to get to New Zealand. You can in fact find it just off the A3102 south of Lyneham.
Tiddleywink – just outside of Castle Combe, this small hamlet has quite possibly my favourite Wiltshire village name!
Free Range Children – as you approach Castle Combe, look out for those free range children!
Don’t forget if you are out and spot anything to tweet us @VisitWiltshire or share your #timeforwiltshire with us on Instagram.
Must-try games:
- (Perfect for puzzle lovers)
- (Quick and fun)
- (Great with friends)
Hope you enjoy these as much as I do! 🎮